BASTAS Program is Phase 1 Ready

@tbaugh I have uploaded the Phase 1 program of BASTAS to GitHub, and it’s ready to go for you. If you need / want help getting it installed on your server, let me know. If you’re only going to run it internally for now, then no need to setup a domain and all just yet.

I’m working on a few updates, but nothing that should stop you from using it.

For others interested you can find the program at

Thank you Brian for all of your work. I will do a pull to get the latest changes, and test it. Meals On Wheals is scheduled to email me today the 2016 data to go live. I will import it this week, so I may have a few questions. I will also start setting up the server this week. I will let you know if I have any questions.

If you’re going to use the test system on your laptop, before you import the new addresses, make sure they are in the .csv file in the right order with the appropriate header columns and labels. Also, you’ll want to delete the test data. I don’t have a way built in yet to tell the difference from one set to another.

to delete the test data, pull the repo, then run the meteor command in terminal like always. Next, open a second terminal window, and cd into that same folder for the project, and run the command

meteor mongo

This will start the MongoDB shell and you will want to run the command


at the prompt.

This will remove all of the current recipients and gifts from the system.

Once that’s done, you can import the new set from your file.